Placing Documents

Use the Place command to incorporate a document stored on disk into an open Canvas X Draw document. With the Place command, you can insert a Canvas X Draw document, an image, or a non-Canvas X Draw illustration document; e.g., you can place a document containing your company logo within a document in which you are preparing a sales brochure.

The Place command lets you visually set the location and dimensions of the incorporated document. You can also control which layers, pages, or slides to place, and whether to place them on the current layer, page, or slide, or on new ones, depending on the document type (Illustration, Publication, Animation, or Presentation).

If you place one Canvas X Draw document type (Illustration, Publication, Animation, or Presentation) into another document type, Canvas X Draw converts the placed pages, sheets, or slides to the format of the current document. Document pages (and sheets or slides) can be added to the current document, along with their layers.

To Place a File in an Open Canvas X Draw Document:

  1. Choose File | Place.
  2. In the Place dialog box, select the file that you want to place and then click Place.
  3. If the file has more than one page or layer, in the Place Options dialog box, configure the options and then click OK.
  4. Position the Place cursor in the open document where you want the top-left corner of the placed file to be.
  5. Click to place the file at its original size; Canvas X Draw inserts the upper-left corner of the file at the point you click.

To Define the Dimensions of the File You Are Placing:

Drag to create a bounding box. Canvas X Draw inserts the file and scales it to fit the bounding box.

Place Options

When you place a file with multiple pages or layers, the Place Options dialog box lets you specify how the placed file should be added to the current document.

Place on current layer

Places the file’s objects on the current layer of the current page. No pages or layers are created in the current document.

Show Place Cursor

Select this option if you want to set the position or size of placed items on the current page. After you click OK in the Place Options dialog box, a place pointer appears. Click to set the position of the upper-left corner of the placed items, or drag to enclose an area in which you want the placed items to fit.

Add new layer(s) to current page

Places the document’s layers as new layers on the current page in the current document.

Add new page(s)

Places the document’s pages and layers as new pages and layers in the current document.

Preserve objects positions and dimensions

If you are placing a document of a different scale, you can choose to select this option to automatically scale the objects to match the scale of the current document. If you do not want to scale the objects, deselect this checkbox.

Scale Options

Click to this option if you want to exclude certain types of objects from scaling.

Select Layers

Click to choose specific pages or layers to place. A dialog box lists the available items. Shift-click two items to select a range. Ctrl-click to select multiple items and toggle selected items. Click OK to close the dialog box.